Database > Exhibition / Event > Out of the Box. celebrating the 60th anniversary of the ACF..

Out of the Box. celebrating the 60th anniversary of the ACF London

Einladung: Out of the Box. celebrating the 60th anniversary of the ACF London. 2016

17.06.2016 - 15.09.2016

Austrian Cultural Forum London, London / United Kingdom
section.a, Kurator:innen-Kollektiv, Wien / Österreich (Curator)

Vienna-based art consultancy section.a have been invited to curate an exhibition to celebrate the ACF’s 60th anniversary. They will also present a special edition of their Parabol Art Magazine entitled The Out of the Box Issue at the opening.

The exhibition responds to the site, history and current programme of the ACF through a number of specially commissioned artworks and installations. The diversity and complexity of the works devised for this occasion create a kaleidoscopic portrait of the institution, without being bound to traditional and conventional approaches and narratives.... This chiefly involves a different – part critical, part ironic – view beyond representation; margins and everyday occurrences, tracing details, the visualisation and associative extension of found material. Interacting with an unconventional portrait of employees and an acoustic-literary insight into the musical legends of the Cultural Forum, they create the excitement of the exhibition and the magazine.

[Quelle:, 21.05.2021]


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