Database > Exhibition / Event > Performative Screenings #68: Annabel Daou, I WILL WORRY FOR..

Performative Screenings #68: Annabel Daou, I WILL WORRY FOR YOU

Einladung: Performative Screenings #68: Annabel Daou, I WILL WORRY FOR YOU. 2021

26.02.2021 - 27.02.2021

school, Wien / Österreich

A 12 hour silent performance beginning Friday, February 26 at midnight (Vienna time, 6pm New York time) and lasting until February 27, noon.
I will worry for you will be live streamed on instagram @performativescreenings, and at school.
Visible through the windows from the street at night, school doors will open 6 am, Saturday.

To participate, send worries to:
You will then be sent access to the timesheet, so you can choose a specific time for the artist to worry for you....
Annabel Daou will walk for the allocated period of time with your worry on her mind.

I will worry for you is a performance that deals with the new space we inhabit, our own domestic space, which solidarity demands we occupy instead of the streets.
I ask people to send me one of their worries and to choose a time over a 12 hour period for me to take on that worry. From dusk till dawn, I will pace the hallway of my Brooklyn apartment with worry beads in my hands. The string of beads in some way represents our connections to each other. As they move in my hands, slightly tapping each other, they allow for a sense of touch and connection, and provide an opportunity to reflect on how vital and how fragile those things are in our lives. (A.D.)

Annabel Daou was born and raised in Beirut and lives in Brooklyn.
Annabel's work explores the language of power and intimacy. Her performances and sound pieces frequently involve interactions with random strangers and the process of asking questions and recording or transcribing the answers. She first performed I will worry for you (from dusk till dawn) with Galerie Tanja Wagner, Berlin and signs and symbols, NY in the spring of 2020. Her upcoming show at Galerie Tanja Wagner will open in April.

[Quelle: Einladung]


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