Database > Exhibition / Event > Time that Walks Away now, now and again now

Time that Walks Away now, now and again now

24.10.2018 - 21.11.2018

Výstava v Galerii FaVU, Praha / Ceská Republika

The project deals with time as the main entity of human life. The sequence of time, which is a minute
of moments - right here and there, second by second, minute per minute. How does that time look
like? How can we see it? His tracks can best be seen in a particular process. Process of gradual
aging, a process of change in nature. Everything is small enough to invisible. Each of the artists
deals with this subject on their own. Some see it in the ephemeral of the installation, the other in the
technological process, but each one looks for connections in nature and natural influences.... The
exhibition aims to introduce different approaches, today perhaps more relevant to the theme of time,
quantum perception and turn to nature.


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last modified at 22.07.2022

Art and Research Database - basis wien