Database > Exhibition / Event > Alicia Viebrock. Tranquility Kink

Alicia Viebrock. Tranquility Kink

30.03.2023 - 05.05.2023

Galerie Kandlhofer, Wien / Österreich

The solo exhibition Tranquility Kink presents nine abstract, ink and acrylic paintings by the artist Alicia Viebrock. The new series of works, made especially for the exhibition, was created in a concerted working period in which both physical and emotional aloneness were prominent accompaniments. Dealing with the theme of spatial and mental solitude played a significant role in the process of producing the works. This is reflected, among other things, in the exhibition title, which refers to the preference (Kink) for loneliness - which can equally signify an experience of silence or peace of mind (Tranquility)....

Viebrock's works are characterized by a sweeping, energetic brushstroke that suggests movement and rhythm and represents an act of dynamised painting. The paintings are created by building a composition, which is brought onto the canvas by means of a white preliminary drawing and is supplemented and continued by an intuitive gesture, which often means an enormous physical effort. The virtuoso application of paint is dominated by a light-flooded coloristic and oscillates between flowing and set, between permeable and impasto. With the strongly expressive, gestural expression of her works, Viebrock joins the tradition of American abstract expressionism, which was decisively influenced by artists such as Joan Mitchell and Helen Frankenthaler. As with Mitchell and Frankenthaler, the spontaneous artistic gesture plays an important role in Viebrock's work as an expression of individual freedom. In an autonomous act of painting, Viebrock has created a series of vibrant and tension-filled works that allow the viewer to immerse himself in the pulsating world of colour created by the artist.


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last modified at 24.05.2023

Art and Research Database - basis wien