Database > Institutions > What the shop

What the shop

Wien / Österreich

WHAT THE SHOP is an art project that first took place in Vienna 2012. WHAT THE SHOP was foundet by Mirjam Schweiger in collaboration with Michael Bäckström and Judith Rohrmoser. WHAT THE SHOP does not stay at one place for long. WHAT THE SHOP speaks several languages. WHAT THE SHOP is run by people who have worked with each other before and trust each other. WHAT THE SHOP always ends with a publication. WHAT THE SHOP is an investigation of artistic practice and the city. WHAT THE SHOP is not about selling things but about everything else.... WHAT THE SHOP is open for change. WHAT THE SHOP is always up for tasty food. WHAT THE SHOP is a social sculpture and an artwork. WHAT THE SHOP what the fuck haters?!



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last modified at 04.02.2014

Art and Research Database - basis wien