Database > Exhibition / Event > Translation of Complexity

Translation of Complexity

10.01.2019 - 12.01.2019

Aa Collections, Wien / Österreich, 1150
Improper Walls, 1150, Wien / Österreich
nita. studio für visuelle gestaltung.
sound:frame, Wien / Österreich

To kick off a new year of audio visual art, sound:frame visits the Reindorfgasse with a collaborative exhibition from January 10 to 12. With „Translation of Complexity“ the exhibition addresses intertwined topics and disentangles complex narratives through art. Together with Improper Walls, sound:frame invited a bunch of artists who break down the seemingly ungraspable framework of artificial intelligence, permutation of the internet and the role of myth and traditions in today’s society.

// Opening night schedule
18:00 All Venues Open
18:30 Welcome at Aa collections (Reindorfgasse 9/2/R01)
19:00 Artist Q&A at OMAi Tagtool (Reindorfgasse 28)
19:30 Artist Q&A at Artivive App (Reindorfgasse 38)
20:00 Break
20:30 Performance at Improper Walls (Reindorfgasse 42)
21:00 Introduction at METAWARE (Reindorfgasse 39)
21:30 Artist Q&A at Ein Affe (Schwendergasse 19)

Afterparty at Rhiz Vienna (U-Bahnbogen 37)
22:00 Dalia Ahmed DJ Set with visuals by nita.... studio für visuelle gestaltung.
00:30 Joja DJ Set with visuals by nita. studio für visuelle gestaltung.

Exhibition Opening: Thursday, 10.1.2019 at 6pm including Open Studio at OMAi Tagtool and Afterparty at Rhiz Vienna
Exhibition Hours: Friday - Saturday, 11-12.1.2019 from 4-9pm



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last modified at 01.04.2019

Art and Research Database - basis wien