Database > Exhibition / Event > Virtual and Augmented Reality as an artistic medium and a..

Virtual and Augmented Reality as an artistic medium and a tool for communication

16.05.2019 - 01.05.2019

Hollerei Galerie, 1150, Wien / Österreich (venue)
sound:frame, Wien / Österreich

Can Virtual Reality be seen as the new tool for digital artistic approaches, the creation of immersive experiences and thus also a new medium of communication? Current exciting Austrian and international examples show what potential VR can develop in dramaturgical, content-based and technical terms.
VR makes it possible to immerse your audience in a new and completely different world in which the laws of physics seem to be turned upside down. What are the opportunities and challenges in storytelling, art production, and communication?

Moderation: Eva Fischer (sound:frame)
Gabriella Chihan Stanley (XR Vienna, VRISCH)
Franziska Bruckner (Fh St.... Pölten – Department Medien und Digitale Technologien)
Gregor Ladenhauf (Depart – “The Lacuna Shifts” VR Experience)

[Quelle: (11.06.2019)]


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last modified at 11.06.2019

Art and Research Database - basis wien