Database > Exhibition / Event > Miriam Hamann & Bärbel Praun. About time and other..

Miriam Hamann & Bärbel Praun. About time and other uncertainties

17.02.2019 - 10.03.2019

Dzialdov, Berlin / Deutschland

When is ‘now’? How many seconds are there in a year? Is it possible to grasp a period of time spanning 500 years?
In their exhibition ‘About time and other uncertainties’ the artists Miriam Hamann and Bärbel Praun approach the phenomenon of time. Their works address time as a construct, tracing its dimension and the issue of its measurability. They challenge both the lineari- ty of time and our capability to comprehend its intervals.
Miriam Hamann’s sculptures and installation works incorporate the immaterial and abstract components of time, its measurability, control, and possible visualisations.... Bärbel Praun’s temporary sculptures and photographic work contemplate the passing moments of balance and transition that emerge from the ongoing tension between ephemerality and durability in our everyday ‘world of things’.


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last modified at 21.07.2022

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