Database > Exhibition / Event > The Work We Share

The Work We Share

27.05.2023 - 04.06.2023

Grazer Kunstverein, Graz / Österreich

The Work We Share gathers a number of films that previously existed in precarious conditions, in some cases, with negatives being lost or distribution film prints being the only copy. This program intends to acknowledge Cinenova’s interdependency: from organization to filmmakers, cultural workers, communities, and individuals. How can we acknowledge our interdependent relationships? How can we recognize our place in a network of communications, relationships, and resources, particularly as an un-funded volunteer organization? What different strains of labor does our work rely on? How do we sustain this work mutually?

[Quelle:, 22.05.2023]


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last modified at 22.05.2023

Art and Research Database - basis wien