Database > Exhibition / Event > Alberto Trapani, Domenico Olivero. Continuità naturali

Alberto Trapani, Domenico Olivero. Continuità naturali

15.10.2005 - 15.10.2005

Öffentlicher Raum Cuneo , Cuneo / Italia

On the occasion of the Italian National Day of the Contemporary Art, October 15 th 2005, proposed by the AMACI (Associazione Musei Arte Contemporanea Italiana), the Fondazione Casa Delfino will hold an artistic event - Continuità naturali - between 2,30 pm to 7,30 pm.
The natural world, in all its fascinating aspects, has been chosen as the subject for this show. The works are about the plant world and some living entities. To this end, the artists, Alberto Trapani and Domenico Olivero will create an original artistic project dedicated to the vegetable kingdom while, in tandem, the theatrical group THEes will give a poetic reading on the theme of the animal world....

(aus: Emaileinladung)


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last modified at 16.11.2005

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