Database > Exhibition / Event > Joze Ciuha. Slike, grafike, akvareli in risbe/ Paintings,..

Joze Ciuha. Slike, grafike, akvareli in risbe/ Paintings, prints, watercolours and drawings

Einladung: Joze Ciuha. Slike, grafike, akvareli in risbe/ Paintings, prints, watercolours and drawin

03.12.2005 - 19.02.2006

Mednarodni graficni likovni center, mglc, Ljubljana / Slovenija

Joze Ciuha belongs to that group of Slovene visual artists who in the period after the Second World War made their mark on Slovene art through their creative work, their social commitment and their cosmopolitian outlook. Ciuha´s art is based on the use of Byzantine isocephalism, which he continually reinterprets introducing new accents from the changing reallity. The exhibition at the International Centre of Graphic Arts will present a cross-section of Ciuha´s artistic body of work, focusing on key moments in his search for an artistic identity....

(aus: Einladung: Joze Ciuha. Slike, grafike, akvareli in risbe/ Paintings, prints, watercolours and drawings)


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last modified at 03.12.2005

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