Database > Exhibition / Event > Silvia Glaser. pinturas y objetos / paintings and objects

Silvia Glaser. pinturas y objetos / paintings and objects

19.07.2006 - 12.08.2006

Maria Elena Kravetz Gallery, Cordoba / Argentina

To speak about the paintings of Silvia Glaser necessarily oblige us to meditate of the "poetics of the instant" and at the same time it raises the question of a honest talk about the pictoric space in comparison with the illusory space proposed by the perspective.
Sometimes art has that ability of telling things simbollically, using for that story the elements of the plastic arts; the figures of these women suspended in colour plans - rather than resting they are embraced by an enthralled uneasiness.... They look at the distance, silently, with open expecting eyes, and at the same time they intrigue us, and it is inevitable to ask oneself what do those unlimited looks want and wait for, so distant as the tone of their colours and the rough plans that delimit them. Thus, maybe it is redundant to speak again of the problems of meaning and shape, but in this case it is inevitable to do so, given the power and the sublety with which the relationship is approached. The apparent rigidity of the composition structure is counterbalanced with a strong inner movility. It is that contrast of the opposites what achieves a dynamic that serves the insinuation of a mistery.
That mistery is signalled in acts and gestures that refer ambiguously to "that" instant in which something relevant has happened, something that is forbidden to us but that is sensed to be so tremendous or important so as to leave us abandoned in time, trying to find out, we too with open eyes, that that only belongs to our unconfessed memory.
Rafael Sucari
(Preseinformation: Maria Elena Kravetz Gallery)


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last modified at 19.07.2006

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