Database > Exhibition / Event > Gesamtkunst Laibach. Fundamentals 1980-1990

Gesamtkunst Laibach. Fundamentals 1980-1990

Einladung: Gesamtkunst Laibach. Fundamentals 1980-1990. 2010

15.04.2010 - 06.06.2010

Mednarodni graficni likovni center, mglc, Ljubljana / Slovenija

The exhibition at the International Centre of Graphic Arts presents a survey of Laibach’s art in the first decade of their career, when they played a central role in the art of the 1980s subculture movement. The show presents Laibach as a multi-media group combining art, music and theoretical writings, with the transfer of theoretical thinking from Laibach to NSK shown using the example of visual culture. The exhibition is itself historic, for here paintings, prints, posters, publications, newspaper pages, invitations, record covers, photographs, concert stage sets, videos and promotional products are assembled and displayed for the first time in 30 years.... Also on view will be a three new installations made especially for the International Centre of Graphic Arts exhibition.



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last modified at 15.04.2010

Art and Research Database - basis wien