Database > Institutions > dis/claim


since 2022

dis/claim is a platform to practice, experiment and reflect on text as an artistic medium and a means of criticism and education in contemporary art. Periodically an editorial issue of dis/claim magazine is published on the platform, as well as occasional contributions on current topics. Each contribution is preceded by a disclaimer which defines the genre of the writing and its conditions of production. Conceptually, dis/claim interweaves practices of digital influencer culture with reflections of current developments in art writing, where artistic forms of expression and established formats are increasingly intermingled.... Instead of reproducing the competitive and attention-grabbing mechanisms of the art market, as well as commercial online platforms, dis/claim provides a reparative platform for young practitioners of the local community in Vienna.
dis/claim invites its contributors and readers to invigorate art writing’s capacity to engage in discourse and dissonance beyond internalized, institutional and commercial calls for individuation and commodification.



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last modified at 18.01.2024

Art and Research Database - basis wien