Tactics of Invisibility
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Köln / Deutschland
Year / Date
Umfangsangabe: 219 S. : zahlr. Ill.
- Connections Zone: Subjects in Space... (archival document). 2010
- Politics with a mask: The „end,“ the „origins,“ and the possibilities of politics (text and criticism). 2010
- Nevin Aladag interviews Nevin Aladag (text and criticism). 2010
- Questioning Identities (text and criticism). 2010
- Transfer of Experience (text and criticism). 2010
- Balancing Integration (text and criticism). 2010
- Visiting the Harem of Inci Eviner: A Journey to Utopia (text and criticism). 2010
- „Ghosts“ in the Field of Vision (text and criticism). 2010
- The Withdrawal of Tradition Past a Surpassing Disaster (text and criticism). 2010
- Rendering Visible by Invisible Means (text and criticism). 2010
- Night and "The Other Night"... Good Night! (text and criticism). 2010
- The Silent Dialougue between Things (text and criticism). 2010
- Embracing Silence (text and criticism). 2010
- Things We Count (text and criticism). 2010
- Possibilities of Counter-Culture: Dissemination of Localities (text and criticism). 2010
- The Multiple Viewpoint: Diaspora and Visual Culture (text and criticism). 2010
- Obstructions (text and criticism). 2010
- Statue of a Worker: Seventh Man (text and criticism). 2010
- The Stories Behind the Pictures (text and criticism). 2010
Hafriyat, Sarkis, TANAS, xurban_collective, Ahmet Ögüt, Ayse Erkmen, Cevdet Erek, Esra Ersen, Füsun Onur, Hale Tenger, Inci Eviner, Kutlug Ataman, Nasan Tur, Nevin Aladag, Nilbar Güres, Ömer Ali Kazmar, ARTER, Space for Art.
- Tactics of Invisibility. Zeitgenössische künstlerische Positionen aus der Türkei (Wien), Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, KlausEngelhornDEPOT
last modified at 11.02.2019