Database > Person / Group > Hannes Schreckensberger

Hannes Schreckensberger

* 1982 in Vöcklabruck / Österreich
lives and works in Schwanenstadt / Österreich

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Awards and grants
  • 2015 Artist-in-Residency, Lycée Frédéric Bazille - Agropolis, Montpellier, FR
  • 2014 Show On Milano Award 14, Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria, AT
  • 2014 Artist-in-Residency by Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria, Cape Town, South Africa
  • 2013 bm:ukk START-Stipendium for architecture and design, AT
  • 2013 Show On Milano Award 13, Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria, AT
  • 2013 Artist-in-Residency, Centre Européen d’Actions Artistiques Contemporaines, Strasbourg, FR
  • 2013 Artist-in-Residency, Institute française, New York, USA
  • 2013 Artist-in-Residency, Art Space Organhaus, Chongqing, China, BMUKK and Austrian Cultural Forum Peking grant
  • 2011 Artist-in-Residency, Converging Territories, Point Éphémère, Paris, FR
  • 2011 Austrian Building Award in the category architecture networks, AT

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Exhibitions / Events

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last modified at 19.04.2022

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