Database > Person / Group > Olu Oguibe

Olu Oguibe

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Exhibitions / Events
  • 2020 Olu Oguibe, curated by_vienna 2020, Galerie Kandlhofer
  • 2017 documenta 14, documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH, Athens Conservatoire, Benaki Museum, Athens School of Fine Arts, Parko Eleftherias, Municipality of Athens, EMST (Group exhibition)
  • 2002 I'm Sure, I Have Seen That Somewhere Before!, Museum of the Twenty-First Century (Group exhibition)
  • 1996 Inklusion : Exklusion, Steirischer Herbst 1996, Künstlerhaus Graz (Group exhibition)

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last modified at 22.12.2023

Art and Research Database - basis wien