Database > Person / Group > Basak Senova

Basak Senova

lives and works in Türkiye

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Exhibitions / Events

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  • Doris Knecht, Michael Genner, Wilhelm Zwirner, Torsten Reitler, Martina Könighofer, Judith Pühringer, Christoph Trauner, Herbert Bork, Basak Senova, Miriam Haselbacher, Ulli Koch, Shantel, Berthold Seliger, God`s Entertainment, Josef Jöchl: WUK 3000. in: Utopische Entwürfe. Gelebte Visionen zu Gesellschaft und WUK. 2022 - Creator
  • springerin 3/11. Umbruch Arabien. 2011 - Mention
  • Basak Senova: Things We Count. in: Tactics of Invisibility. 2010 - Creator
  • Camera Austria International 94 / 2006. 2006 - Mention

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last modified at 04.01.2023

Art and Research Database - basis wien