
The information and services at are made available by:

basis wien
Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum
für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst
Fünfhausgasse 5
A-1150 Wien
T/F +43 1 5226795
E: office(at)

Legal Form: Verein
UID Nr.: ATU 62175648

Conceptual Design: Diana Lambert, Andrea Neidhöfer
Web Design: (Michael Aschauer, Maia Gusberti)
Technical Realisation: Daniel Aschauer
Photos (if not declared otherwise): Till Megerle
Translations: Jonathan Uhlaner
Copyright: basis wien 2011. Alle Rechte vorbehalten


We constantly check and update the information on the basis wien website and online archive. Despite our best efforts at maintaining the website, data may have changed since the last entry, especially in view of the large amount of data. We cannot therefore undertake liability or guarantee for the currency, correctness, availability and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to all other websites to which links refer.