On Exhibition
Opening: 23.01.2025, 16.00-19.00
basis wien, Fünfhausgasse 5, 1150 Vienna
An exhibition of exhibitions! Reflection on artistic and spatial practice, design processes and media served as a base to conceptualize and design exhibition projects. Students from both departments worked together on the process of developing and designing an exhibition based on materials and themes explored in the archives of basis wien, as part of the design studio “On Exhibition“. The archive of basis wien holds a wide range of background information of activities that happen during and around exhibitions, a form of cultural productions that in itself reflects current artistic practice that underly the conception and production of contemporary exhibition making.
Projects by:
Rebecca Sophia Hitomi Akimoto, Katalin Ax, Menal Batt, Giorgia Bussi, Petru Catuna-Boca, Poledt Cedillo Peralta, Maddalena Celli, Joanna Ciecinska, Freyja Coreth, Jana-Leonie Dieck-mann, Marina Annalisa Eberherr, Sophie Eresmann, Artur Fernandes, Timm Frech, Elisa Geiser, Jakob Hilcken, Theresa Kluitmann, Janina Lutz, Ahmed Marei, Elisa Minetti, Amika Nakamura, Veronika Nikiforova, Amal Njoum, Sophia Anna Oberrauch, Katharina Partik, Carla Pirich, Maria Rosales Gálvez, Tobias Sam, Marianne Sophie Simmen, Max Sohm, Kira Steins, Katharina Tamm, Max Thomas Blake, Nicole Waltener, Vanessa Wavrouschek, Marlies Weidinger, George Wilhelmy
Basma Abu-Naim (Vienna University of Technology), Aaron Amar Bhamra (University of Applied Arts Vienna), Helene Baur (basis wien), Julienne Lorz (University of Applied Arts Vienna), Wilfried Kuehn (Vienna University of Technology).
A cooperation between the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Expanded Museum Studies, the Vienna University of Technology, Architecture – Raum/Spatial Design; basis wien.
Further information:
Exhibition duration: 24.01.2025 – 28.02.2025
Opening hours: Tuesdays: 12:00 – 20:00/ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 12:00 – 16:00
Location: basis Wien, Fünfhausgasse 5, 1150 Vienna