Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > HANDMADE IV - more than photography

HANDMADE IV - more than photography

08.09.2018 - 31.01.2019

Anzenberger Gallery, Wien / Österreich

Our fourth edition of the exhibition Handmade is dedicated to works that combine photography with handcraft, drawings, paintings or other artistic media. By this means the traditional boundaries of two-dimensional photography are being fathomed and redefined. Daniel Spoerri includes cameras and photos in his famous 'Fallenbilder'. Jessa Fairbrother embroiders photographs. Ellen Korth prints photographs of ancient clothes on Japanese paper, put it into water to widen it and then crush it. Gabriela Morawetz prints her photographs on convex glass which is put over another printed photograph to build a new three-dimensional image.... And Regina Anzenberger extends photographs with drawings, paintings and found objects....



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