Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > College of Art Graduate Exhibition

College of Art Graduate Exhibition

06.03.2014 - 23.03.2014

Royal College of Art, London / United Kingdom

Graduating RCA Curating Contemporary Art students present an international group exhibition that explores the indis-tinct spaces which lie between chatter and silence. London-based Austrian artist Marlene Haring is among the 15 selected artists presenting works. Marlene Haring focuses on installation and performance works that challenge the norms of social conduct and the social construction of places and events. Visitors can participate in Marlene Haring’s Solo Show (Face Up) (2012), a bar for one guest at a time....

[Quelle:, 08.06.2021] // >>>>> Die Liste der Beteiligten dieser Ausstellung ist unvollständig. Hinweise bezüglich weiterer Beteiligter nehmen wir gerne entgegen.
>>>>> The list of participants of this exhibition is not complete. Please contact us if you have information about further participants. [basis wien, 08.06.2021]


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