Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Honeymoon in Hennyland

Honeymoon in Hennyland

07.04.2022 - 12.05.2022

Queer Museum Vienna, Wien / Österreich

qmv x vkm x susie flowers

n the exhibition „honeymoon in hennyland“ the curator Susie Flowers wants to bring together a group of versatile artists working with performance and/or visual art. The title is derived from the word „hen“, which is a swedish pronoun for non-binary people. Hennyland would be the queer utopia, where gender is obsolete and honeymoon works as a term for a collective honeymoon, an intimate and romantic experience, with yourself, with other queers, with your own body. The existence of the queer identity and body in a heteronormative world is in the focus of this exhibition.... The goal is to show how different queers deal with their existence living in Vienna (and elsewhere in Austria) and using their non-conforming, non-binary bodies as a tool for their artistic work and practice. Works from LEVI Pritz, jiachen xu, Berivan Sayici, Ari Ban, Luis Javier Murillo Zuniga, Ingrid Dorfinger, Haus of Rausch, ContextCocktail and others are brought together to create an utopia of a queer world where everyone can embrace themselves just the way they are, freely and without judgement. Aim is also to show how queerness and the body play together in art and to present different, sparkling ways of growing up and living a queer-feminist life within a non-normative body, in the city today.



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