Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Karl Prantl. Ticho

Karl Prantl. Ticho

Presseinformation: Karl Prantl - Ticho. 2006

16.02.2006 - 26.03.2006

Ceské muzeum výtvarných umení, Praha / Ceská Republika
Rakouské kulturní fórum Praha, Praha / Ceská Republika

In late 2000 and early 2001 the Czech Museum of Fine Arts staged an exhibition of work by Karl Prantl, a legend of European modern art, at the House of the Black Madonna. The series of white stones he has chosen to present this time in the Romanesque cellar spaces can be understood as a reminder of his previous show but also as proof of the continuing validity of his ongoing work that that provides us with the chance to meditate in time and space. This exhibition by Karl Prantl, who turned eighty last year, accompanies the show by Uta Peyrer, his lifelong partner....

(Pressematerial: Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prag)


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