Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Sogni / Dreams

Sogni / Dreams

Francesco Bonami, Hans Ulrich Obrist: Sogni / Dreams [Cover]. 1999

09.06.1999 - 12.06.1999

XLVIII. Esposizione Internationale d'Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia / Italia

At the 48th Venice Biennial, the Sandretto Re Rebuadengo Foundation for Art presents Sogni/Dreams, a project conceived by Francesco Bonami (chief curator of the Foundation and curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago) and Hans Ulrich Obrist ( a membber of the scientific and cultural committee of the Foundation and curator of the Migrateur progam at Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris). This project involves around ninety artists and leading figures from international culture, whose dreams and utopias are published in a book to be distributed free of charge in Venice during the press review (9-11 June 1999) and on the opening day of the Biennial 12 June 1999)....


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