Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > This Page Intentionally Left Blank

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

19.03.2014 - 17.05.2014

Akbank Art Center, Istanbul / Türkiye

This Page Intentionally Left Blank is the first in a series of exhibitions based on a wide-reaching research about writing. The original typewritten manuscript of Vilém Flusser’s essay The Gesture of Writing provides its thematic and formal-aesthetic foundation. “To write,” says the philosopher about the basic requirements that should lead to a complete piece of writing, we need “a blank surface, for instance a white leaf of paper; an instrument which contains a matter that contrasts with the whiteness of the paper; the letters of the alphabet; the convention which gives a meaning to the letters; ‘orthography’ = correct writing; the rules which order that language, what is called ‘grammar’; an idea to be expressed in a language; and a motive to express that idea”.... Understanding the act of writing as a broad culturally embedded gesture, the exhibition covers artistic, literary, as well as curatorial and editorial fields of action and combines them.



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zuletzt geändert am 17.03.2014

Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - basis wien