Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Dimensions Variable # - Variable Dimensions of Sound and..

Dimensions Variable # - Variable Dimensions of Sound and Form – and Time

18.11.2014 - 23.11.2014

mo.ë , Wien / Österreich

“Dimensions Variable” is a term mostly used to describe the size of installations that often consist of various media. In
science, “dimension” designates the size of a space that accommodates the expansion of all material objects, but, as
fundamental structural model, exists only in relation to these. The artistic treatment of space is about bursting its
dimensions in order to attain a spatial displacement, or opening of the space, and create spaces that allow scope for
thoughts and reflections.... All works in the exhibition are united in the attempt to make people aware of this by
overstepping boundaries. Only thus can spatial and political dimensions become clear. And only the break-up of
predetermined formats generates the freedom for an idea of the creative work process to emerge.



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