Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > ephemeropteræ 2016/#8: Jakob Jakobsen | Heinrich Dunst

ephemeropteræ 2016/#8: Jakob Jakobsen | Heinrich Dunst

02.09.2016 - 02.09.2016

Thyssen-Bornemisza Augarten Contemporary, Wien / Österreich

Hospital University

For Hospital University Danish artist, educator and activist Jakob Jakobsen, meditates around the relations between psychiatric treatment and academic learning, looking at different shapes of subjectivity. His work exposes institutions as repressive instruments of power; reveals their function as rigid training camps serving the purpose of sustaining and expanding the power of reactionary governments; and questions economical and military apparatuses. This performance is a continuation of his research threads currently being developed for his project Hospital Prison University Archive.... In this audio/ textual performance Jakobsen attempts to find the words to explore the threshold between these institutional spaces. Simultaneously the musician and producer Anders Remmer will censor and distort his utterances, using variety of electronic equipment, herby turning his words to sounds and noises.



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zuletzt geändert am 10.08.2016

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