Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Interconti Wien

Interconti Wien

28.01.2021 - 08.02.2021

Hotel Intercontinental, Wien / Österreich (Veranstaltungsort)

INTERCONTI WIEN brings together thirteen Viennese galleries in the iconic conference halls of Hotel InterContinental Vienna. Each gallery presents one artist in a historical vitrine provided by the MAK Museum of Applied Arts. The innovative online format offers audiences an experience that goes beyond the traditional online viewing room. It features a continuous video stream of on-site installation views and interviews with participating galleries and artists, providing visitors with an immersive experience of the actual set-up, location, and art on view.... INTERCONTI WIEN launches on January 28th and will be accessible online until February 7th.
A cross-generational group of thirteen artists, more than half of whom live and work in Vienna, are presented by the participating galleries: Anna-Sophie Berger presented by LAYR; Ernst Caramelle presented by Galerie Nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder; Aleksandra Domanovic´ presented by and the editions; Melanie Ebenhoch presented by Galerie Martin Janda; Luisa Gardini presented by Ermes Ermes; Gelatin presented by Meyer Kainer; Matthieu Haberard presented by Gianni Manhattan; Lone Haugaard Madsen presented by Sophie Tappeiner; Martin Hotter presented by Vin Vin; Alfredo Jaar presented by Hubert Winter; David Maljkovic presented by Georg Kargl Fine Art; Soshiro Matsubara presented by Croy Nielsen; and Jenni Tischer presented by Krobath Wien. Spike Art Magazine presenting editions by Seth Price (*1973, East Jerusalem, lives and works in New York City).
Together, these thirteen artists offer a stimulating dive into Vienna’s art scene, providing a snapshot of the participating galleries’ diverse programs and current artistic practices in the Austrian capital. A varied range of works will be on view, from pieces by emerging artists to work by internationally established artists. Furthermore, over half of the participating galleries opened in the city less than 10 years ago.
Viewers will be able to enjoy the fair online, and while the galleries will be offering their works on INTERCONTI WIEN’s website, it goes beyond the idea of a basic online viewing room. A continuous, interactive video stream of installation views, single artwork shots, and interviews with participating artists and gallerists will provide in-depth insight into the featured projects.
The video stream will serve not only as the central narrative of INTERCONTI WIEN’s virtual presence, but also as its navigational tool. Users will have the option to learn more about artworks, artists, and galleries via several portals embedded into the stream, which they can navigate to their liking. The virtual component of the fair has been conceived in collaboration with the digital agency treat.
‘With INTERCONTI WIEN, we hope to reach a wide audience, as we believe there is an interest beyond Austria for the art scene in Vienna - a city where a number of young galleries have opened during the past few years,’ say organizers Emanuel Layr, Henrikke Nielsen, and Sophie Tappeiner. ‘In a time where other fairs cannot take place, we are excited to host an event in Vienna, with the potential of reaching an international audience through an experimental online platform.’ they add.

[Quelle:, 28.01.2021]


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