Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > #JapanRevisited202x: then-now-after

#JapanRevisited202x: then-now-after

09.2020 - 11.2020

Ars Electronica 2020, Linz / Österreich
Kulturforum der Österreichischen Botschaft, Tokyo, Tokyo / Nihon

#JapanRevisited202x: then-now-after has been conceived by the Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo as a platform for artists from Austria to reimagine and revisit their memories, interpretations, and dreams associated with Japan. Building on more than 150 years of cultural exchange between Austria and Japan, the exceptional year 2020 seemed perfect for this experiment.

Following a Call For Submissions, a staggering 237 artists from or based in Austria have accepted the invitation and entered 223 projects in a vast variety of genres and forms of artistic expressions covering space, transformation, and personal interactions in Japan - then, now and in 202x....

We feel honored that #JapanRevisited202x has been invited to the Tokyo Garden at this year’s Ars Electronica Festival in collaboration with the Japan Media Arts Festival.

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