Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Drame Surréaliste

Drame Surréaliste

27.03.2021 - 08.05.2021

ELEKTROHALLE RHOMBERG, Salzburg / Österreich

The title of the exhibition refers to the surrealist play “Les mamelles de Tirésias” by Guillaume Apollinaire from 1903 with the subtitle “Drame surréaliste”. With this subtitle and in the foreword to the play, the poet invented the word “surrealism” to describe his new style of drama. In 1924 Breton took over the term as the name for the already existing intellectual movement in literature, art and film.

The piece was set to music by Francis Poulenc for Opera Buffa in 1944.

The exhibiting artists freely associate with the exhibition title....



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