Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > re: Leviathan. Visuelle Formierungen von staatlicher Macht

re: Leviathan. Visuelle Formierungen von staatlicher Macht

Einladung: re: Leviathan. Visuelle Formierungen von staatlicher Macht. 2002

04.12.2002 - 26.01.2003

A9-Forum Transeuropa, Wien / Österreich
quartier21, Wien / Österreich

The structures of governance, social power, and legitimate force are being redefined. A confrontation is taking place between the principle of territorial states with hierarchical structures and concepts like supranational networks, global citizenry, and temporary collectives.

The exhibition re: Leviathan will present images that are significant for these ideologies. Taking the ambignous metaphors of two exemplary texts as a starting point - Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan (1651) and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's Empire (2000) - the show explores the visual forms in which power and community manifest today....

The exhibition will include materials from:
Adbusters, anonym, Joseph Beuys, Linda Bilda,
dt. BKA, Abraham Bosse, Bureau d`études, Georg Bussmann, Marcel Broodthaers, Peter Fend, Buckminster Fuller, Andreas Gursky, Ingo Günther, Hans Haacke, IRWIN, Johanna Kandl, Kursbuch Verlag, Rem Koolhaas/OMA, Otto Neurath, noborder Zone, museum in progress, Lisl Ponger, SUPERREAL, Markus Wailand, Stephen Willats et al.

Selection: Richard Brem, Cosima Rainer, Vitus Weh
(Info aus: website zum Projekt)


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