Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > En Guerra / At War

En Guerra / At War

18.05.2004 - 26.09.2004

Centre de Cultura Contemporánia de Barcelona, CCCB, Barcelona / España

The exhibition AT WAR takes a look at the experience of war, though it follows a thematic rather than a chronological order, stopping to analyse the different phases of a conflict.

As part of the preparations for war, the themes in question are the socialisation of violence, the construction of the enemy and the causes of the conflict. During hostilities, the exhibition focuses on the experience of soldiers and civilians, and on the action of the combat. And when the war is over, at the moment of victory or defeat, it looks at capitulation treaties, trials for war crimes and, finally, remembrance of the events, reflected in monuments and testimonies....

The exhibition therefore addresses the question of what war is, the different facets of the experience of war, its direct impact on individuals and communities and its formalised representation in cultural products.

(aus: Website CCCB)


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