Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Where are we going? Selections from the Francois Pinault..

Where are we going? Selections from the Francois Pinault Collection

28.04.2006 - 01.10.2006

Palazzo Grassi / Francois Pinault Foundation, Venezia / Italia

[...] From 1983 to 2005, Palazzo Grassi enjoyed the sponsorship of the Fiat corporation. Under the watchful eye of the company’s founder, the late Gianni Agnelli, the institution mounted a series of major exhibitions, culminating in the seminal centenary exhibition “Dalí.” With the close of this muchpraised finale in 2005, and the untimely death of Agnelli, Fiat chose to play a less active role at Palazzo Grassi and sold its stake in the enterprise. François Pinault stepped up in May 2005, establishing the company Palazzo Grassi SpA, in which he holds an 80 percent stake.... The remaining shares are retained by the Casino Municipale di Venezia, a public-private company controlled by the City of Venice. The collaboration promises to be an ongoing and fruitful one. [...]
The inaugural exhibition marks the first public unveiling of the François Pinault Collection. Re-posing the question famously asked by Paul Gauguin at the cusp of the last century - and ironically adapted by Damien Hirst at the start of this one (the British artist’s Where Are We Going? Where Do We Come From? Is There a Reason? can be viewed in the show’s fourth and final section, “This is Today”) - “Where Are We Going?” presents some two hundred works by forty nine artists, organized into thematic chapters that unfold on the three floors of the Palazzo. Eschewing strict chronology, Ms. Gingeras’s selection highlights some of the most influential art movements of the past sixty years (Art informel, Arte povera, Minimalism, post-Minimalism, Pop art) and takes us up to the present moment with significant offerings from today’s most challenging artists. [...]

>>>>> Die Liste der Beteiligten dieser Gruppenausstellung ist unvollständig - zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme lagen keine genaueren Informationen vor. Hinweise bezüglich weiterer Beteiligter nehmen wir gerne entgegen.
>>>>> The list of participants of this group exhibition is not complete - at the time of the entry more detailed information was not available. Please contact us if you have information about further participants.
[Team basis wien, 28.04.2006]


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zuletzt geändert am 20.10.2006

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