Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Liminal Transit [Wien]

Liminal Transit [Wien]

Einladung: Liminal Transit. 2007

15.02.2007 - 17.02.2007

Kforumvienna, Wien / Österreich

Liminal Transit is a video exhibition arising from the collaboration between Liminalb and Kforumvienna, two associations set in Barcelona and Vienna. An interchange project, which displays a "crossed" selection of videos artists linked to the two organizations. A shipment, a material exchange between Kforumvienna and Liminalb, that is aims to spread information and to circulate the work of young artists, continuously searching for the collaboration and the debate within different cultural
contexts.... This characterizes the activities of both organizations.
Vienna will host Liminalb in February 2007 and Barcelona will invite Kforumvienna in May of the same year.

Liminal Transit focuses on the ideas of journey, utopia and the particular space-time relation following-on the experience of travelling. Since this experience brings with itself the ephemeral game between territorial forms, and cultural and semantic limits, its space is a place made definitely by places, corresponding to a diachronic time. With their trip, the works trace a line in the middle of Western Europe - from Spain to Austria, to show the personal re -interpretations of well-known places and of the same idea of trip operated by multiple artists.

The selected artists play with this interpretation of the journey shaping images of the territories to cross, to experiment, to know.
The subject of the exhibition itself affected the choice of video works, which allows to express stratified temporal - space dimensions and to move towards an hybrid territory, which involves different stylistic genres. Documentary, Fiction, Computer Graphics, Experimental Video.
Rhythm, duration, pauses, delays, transformations and changes are features of the journey as well as prerogatives of the video artists setting, who transform the real background into mental geographies. Thus, the video can be re-interpreted as a crossing through a "non-place", where neither the artist himself completely knows the
borders, the potential, or the possible interpretations.


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