Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > How to do Media Art?

How to do Media Art?

Synthetic Times. Media Art China 2008 [Katalogcover]

10.06.2008 - 11.06.2008

Ars Electronica, Linz / Österreich (Organisation)
basis wien – Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum, 1150, Wien / Österreich (Organisation)
Beijing Art Museum of Imperial City BAMOIC, Beijing / Zhongguo

A joint event of Ars Electronica Linz and basis wien

Artistic practices have changed within the last 30 years: Many artists are not working alone anymore, the artist and specially the media artist is working together with technicians, programmers, scientists, theoreticians, more and more inspiring collaboratives are being founded. Art - and the art market - have gone global. How do Western and Chinese players in the art field deal with these new conditions of production in the era of cultura...l globalization? Which new strategies does this imply for the production, curation and documentation & archiving of art in East and West?


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zuletzt geändert am 19.06.2008

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