Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Editions: Gerwald Rockenschaub. Acrylglasobjekte

Editions: Gerwald Rockenschaub. Acrylglasobjekte

Einladung: Editions: Gerwald Rockenschaub. Acrylglasobjekte. 2008

05.10.2008 - 15.11.2008

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg [Villa Kast], Salzburg / Österreich

The acrylic glass objects were produced exclusively for Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, but they have already been presented and documented last summer in Rockenschaub's solo exhibition SWING at Kunsthalle Bern and the accompanying catalogue. SWING was the largest Rockenschaub exhibition since his retrospective at MUMOK/Vienna four years ago. In the meanwhile, he has taken part in documenta 12 and won the Fred-Thieler-Award for painting, granted by Berlinische Galerie. Rockenschaub's most recent big project was the façade design of the much discussed Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin that was opened of late.... Over the next two years, it shall be the central exhibition site of Berlin-based artists. The artist devised two huge white clouds on a fresh blue base for the architecture by Adolf Krischanitz. Rockenschaub approached the project more like an advertising or logo designer than like an artist. His intention was to create an eye-catching façade motif.



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