Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Carlos Correia. Moon and something else...

Carlos Correia. Moon and something else...

Einladung: Carlos Correia. Moon and something else...2009

15.12.2009 - 30.01.2009

Galeria Pedro Oliveira

In his fifth individual exhibition at Galeria Pedro Oliveira (two in the Poste-Ite room, three in the main gallery), Carlos Correia brings us his latest painting, drawing and video works.
Reiterating an idea already conveyed in previous occasions, the work of Carlos Correia is marked by a fundamental split between interior and exterior painting. This nomenclature arose some time ago from a need to organise the artist’s atelier, initially with no pretension to leave the four walls of his working space.... In short: interior painting arises from the construction of a poetic discourse that excludes referents from the visible world. These works are permanently under construction and do not follow a programme or model. Exterior painting stems from pre-existing images, exploring the massive confrontation of images from the (visible) world.
Regarding the latter, one could say it unravels as several series, resulting from a clearly eclectic approach to the matter of sources. These works display no permanent organization system, nor a central axis upon which the
viewer might base a process of decoding. What one finds in its stead are its ramifications, which are liable to be grouped in different combinations, thus multiplying the vast chain of semantic possibilities enclosed in each particular piece. These more or less peaceful, more or less conciliating confrontations happen by means of a process of assembly at the exhibition level.
The exhibition’s title is owed to a few (exterior) paintings, which depart from the theory that the moon landing was staged. The opposition between real and fabricated images is no more than one of the many outer layers worn by
the dichotomy exterior/interior.
The video shown, made from animated paintings and drawings, draws also from these questions.

(Aus: Presseinformation)


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