Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Big Society. A window exhibition, viewed from the street

Big Society. A window exhibition, viewed from the street

04.08.2010 - 28.10.2010

Space Station Sixty-Five, London / United Kingdom

What is the 'big society' if not arts for everyone? Tiny grants already stretch far into communities, making music, dancing and art, engaging with history and heritage, drawing people together in shared emotions and experiences. Civic pride, quality of life, pleasure and endeavour (and art for arts sake) is cheap for its rich returns, but it's not free.


>>>>> Die Liste der Beteiligten dieser Gruppenausstellung ist unvollständig - zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme lagen keine genaueren Informationen vor.... Hinweise bezüglich weiterer Beteiligter nehmen wir gerne entgegen.
>>>>> The list of participants of this group exhibition is not complete - at the time of the entry more detailed information was not available. Please contact us if you have information about further participants. [basis wien,29.12.2010]


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zuletzt geändert am 30.12.2010

Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - basis wien