Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Tina Lechner. Triadicum

Tina Lechner. Triadicum

09.09.2011 - 21.10.2011

Webster University, Thomas K. Lang Gallery, Wien / Österreich

A life-size art figure, face and genderless, wearing a white, futuristic costume, is positioned in a formerly representative but now slightly dilapidated space marked by traces of decay. The scene which seems suspended in time, oscillates between a surrealist dream and a science fiction scenario.

Tina Lechner ´s meticulous research about abandoned castles and villas from past centuries leads her to auratic places which refer back to unknown life stories and destinies. She secretly invades these buildings with the figures designed by her, takes possession of the space and documents this temporary intrusion photographically....

It is herself who poses in these self-made costumes out of paper or other materials. The costumes are disguises in the truest sense of the word. They are armors that extinguish the person who wears them and make her unassailable.

Lechner´s point is not to stage herself but to create a counter image of a highly charged past. It remains unclear ,though, whether the depicted figure is an animated or a soulless being without any reference to a possible reality.
(Sabine Dortschy)



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