Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Microtheorie + Perpetual

Microtheorie + Perpetual

11.03.2017 - 23.04.2017

Kunstverein Baden, Baden / Österreich

Lampalzer /Oppermann: Microtheorie

Ein waschechter Künstler ist und bleibt Künstler, auch wenn er in seinem ganzen Leben kein Kunstwerk schafft. Lampalzer/Oppermann folgen den Spuren der Kunst vom Persönlichen ins Allgemeine und zurück. Dabei werden Assoziationsgebilde aufgebaut, mit denen man je nach Montagerichtung neue künstlerische Axiome bilden kann. Katalysator ist der unendliche Strom des Medialen.

Magdolna Szabó (S): Perpetual

Magdolna Szabó in Kunstverein Baden gives an insight into her, since 1996 ongoing project, based on limited conditions: using a few rounded shapes (cut from a square) and only primary colors....
The project started spontaneously, when Szabó was working on a limited edition of her silkscreen print Untitled. Occasionally she would print the component shapes of the image on separate sheets of paper, outside the print edition, as a sort of mechanical sketching in reverse.
So far, the project has resulted in a suite of several hundreds of monotypes The Stream and the Waves, an animation with the titel Kinetic Silence and the book Perpetual which is also in the focus of the exhibition in Kunstverein Baden.
"Why constraints stimulate a feeling of freedom" is one of several possible issues in the interactive book of Magdolna Szabó.

Magdolna Szabó was born in Hungary, lives in Sweden since 1985, based in Malmö. She reflects on life through an abstract imagery with silkscreen and watercolor as her primary expressions.
Represented: Kulturen in Lund, Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, British Museum, National Gallery of Ireland, Ystad Art Museum, Sundsvall Museum and the Nordic Watercolour Museum.



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