Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > living and working in vienna

living and working in vienna

Einladung: living and working in vienna. 2005

26.04.2005 - 20.08.2005

Austrian Cultural Forum, New York / United States
Kunsthalle Wien, Wien / Österreich
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York / United States

The contemporary architecture of the Austrian Cultural Forum sets the stage for an exhibition featuring artists who live in Vienna. The show reflects on cultural and spatial memory as shaped by film, art, architecture, and global industries of image making. While each of the selected works consider specific locations, histories, and cultural genres, each also animates a translocal dialogue that complicates our sense of what it means to live and work in Vienna today. (Einladungstext)

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zuletzt geändert am 14.09.2005

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