Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Görünmez oyun / Invisible Play

Görünmez oyun / Invisible Play

Einladung: Görünmez oyun / Invisible Play. 2010

23.10.2010 - 21.11.2010

Lüleci Hendek Cad, Istanbul / Türkiye

"Invisible Play" presents stage props and situations leading to manifold stories. Fourteen artists from Austria, Georgia, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland and Turkey reflect on the possibilities of open, prospective or left-over narrations. The show invests four floors of a small office building in Tophane, creating many links with Istanbul's multiple facets and realities. You can come and walk through them at Lu¨leci Hendek Cad. No.4, Tophane, I?stanbul, from October 23 to November 21 2010.


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