Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Edgar Honetschläger. 97-(13+1)

Edgar Honetschläger. 97-(13+1)

Edgar Honetschläger. 97-(13+1). 1997

26.01.1996 - 09.03.1996

Galerie Freihausgasse / Galerie der Stadt Villach, Villach / Österreich

"I picked 14 out of the 97 chairs and took them with me to Tokyo. Sentenced to the garbage dump they were revived (or to use a more accurate word - recycled), escaping their fate, they were sent on a journey. In Japan I lived with those chairs for a while in order to become familiar with their character. One of the chairs was in an entirely devasted condition - it could no more be used as a sitting facility - that's the +1. All of them have a 'personal' history and therefore their own time-momentum.... I wanted them to fulfill a circle. In Tokyo I 'made use' of the chairs, but by the time the piece was finished they were on a ship back to where they had come from. I set them out in the streets of New York City where they had to face their original fate."
(aus: Katalog: Edgar Honetschläger. 97 - (13 + 1). Wien, 1997, S. 52)


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