Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Roman Ondák: Tate Modern Level 2

Roman Ondák: Tate Modern Level 2

29.07.2006 - 17.09.2006

Tate Modern, London / United Kingdom

Ondák's art focuses on questioning perception and the nature of codes and conventions of social behaviour. Previous works include Good Feelings in Good Times 2003, which consisted of a queue of people which formed, dispersed and then regrouped in various locations at Frieze Art Fair in 2004. More recently a discreet performance called Resistance 2006 took place at the Museum for Modern Art in Vienna involving people walking around the museum with untied shoe laces.

For the Level 2 Gallery, Ondák has created a captivating work which continues his exploration of social and cultural expectations....

(Presseinformation: Tate Modern)


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zuletzt geändert am 18.07.2006

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