Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Setting the Scene

Setting the Scene

07.02.2015 - 28.02.2015

Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam / Nederland

What are the differences between design and the visual arts? And how far apart are they? Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is arranging a meeting between the two disciplines in gallery F, H and I. The exhibition features seven scenes in which post-war design and visual arts are displayed with and alongside each other in an unconventional way.


>>>>> Die Liste der Beteiligten dieser Gruppenausstellung ist unvollständig. Hinweise bezüglich weiterer Beteiligter nehmen wir gerne entgegen....
>>>>> The list of participants of this group exhibition is not complete. Please contact us if you have information about further participants. [basis wien, 02.06.2016]


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Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - basis wien