Datenbank > Ausstellung / Veranstaltung > Bodikon


Einladung: Bodikon. 2017

12.01.2017 - 25.03.2017

Belmacz, London / United Kingdom

Opening Night: Thursday 12 January 6 - 8pm

Julia Muggenburg is pleased to announce the group exhibitionBodikon. Its token title is a re-appropriated gairaigo or wasei-eigo term derived from the English body conscious, descriptive of a late 1980s fashion phenomena. Here two syllables have joined into a newly coined term used in colloquial Japanese today.

A continuous thread running through Bodikon is ‘Lo Zodiaco’ — a tableau vivant showing the 12 signs of the zodiac in the ‘flesh’ presented through humans, animals and dead fish — by Gino De Dominicis (Ancona, 1947 – Rome, 1998) at Galleria L’Attico, Rome in 1970.... De Dominicis questioned the extremes within arte-povera, its romanticism, the sophisticated irony and the movements response to the post-war urbanism. The notion that context and constellation are projecting something mundane and unremarkable to an elevated form is not only a component of this mise-en-scene; an artist’s vernacular transforms and transcends limits perceived. The poster, printed from an image by the official photographer is ‘Lo Zodiaco’ sole testimony. Narcissism, physicality and elegance are on parade.

Bodikon will be commemorated by a posthumous poster / manifesto made by participating artists Michela de Mattei and Diego Miguel Mirabella as an edition for Belmacz.

Accompanying text by Daniel Ferstl

Please note that Belmacz is hosting SafeCast during the duration ofBodikon. Their map is an open platform monitoring environmental radiation and other pollutants across the globe with the help of participating citizens. Those who get their DIY Geiger counter can become volunteers able to provide and upload data of their actual home environment as well as others visited during travels. Data is fed onto an online map showing uncompromised actual readings available to be viewed worldwide.

[Quelle: Einladung]


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