Datenbank > Personen/Gruppen > Ned Rossiter

Ned Rossiter

Ned Rossiter is a media theorist noted for his research on network cultures, the politics of cultural labour, logistical media and data politics. Together with Brett Neilson and Tanya Notley, he is currently investigating data centres and the governance of labour and territory in Singapore, Hong Kong and Sydney.

Ned was based Shanghai and Ningbo before taking up an appointment as Professor of Communication in 2011 at Western Sydney University. In 2014 he was seconded to the Institute for Culture and Society.... He co-convenes the Digital Life research program and is currently an Institute Fellow with a joint position in the School of Humanities and Communication Arts. In 2015 Rossiter was appointed as a Member to the Australian Research Council's College of Experts and he holds that position until 2019. He was a Senior Research Fellow at Leuphana University's Digital Cultures Resesearch Lab, Lüneburg in 2016.

He is the author of Organized networks: media theory, creative labour, new institutions (NAi Publications, 2006) and Software, infrastructure, labor: a media theory of logistical nightmares (Routledge, 2016). His co-edited volumes include Refashioning pop music in Asia: cosmopolitan flows, political tempos, and aesthetic industries (Routledge, 2004/2015) and MyCreativity reader: a critique of creative industries (Institute of Network Cultures, 2007), and he was co-editor of a special issue of Urban China on 'Creative China: Counter-Mapping Creative Industries' (2008). Rossiter's writings have been translated into Italian, Spanish, German, French, Finnish, Dutch, Chinese, Greek, Latvian and Hungarian.



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