Datenbank > Personen/Gruppen > Shen-Ba Wong

Shen-Ba Wong

* 1978 in Fujian / Zhongguo

Shen-Ba Wong was born in the Fujian Province in the year of the horse 1978. Wong’s father a Shanghai professor of art and her mother a doctor were victims of the Cultural Revolution, forced to relocate to the countryside as manual laborers in 1967. Her father worked at a farm distribution center, and would bring home broken planks from shipping pallets with which both he and eventually the young Wong would carve their first woodcuts.

Later at Xiamen University, she reacted violently against the Xiamen Dada movement founded in 1986 by embracing still older techniques (the blockprint) combined with newer Western ideas (abstraction).... She is now at the vanguard of those younger Chinese artists emerging today.



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zuletzt geändert am 21.04.2010

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